Thursday, April 30, 2009

blender dan diarrhea

Posted by TAE★MIN at 10:31 PM 2 comments

sebenarnye xde pape pon kene mengena dua ekor singa di ats ngan ap yg hendak kutulis..
rase kosong xde gamba..
igt nk tunjuk gamba belende baru :D

ade due eko lion kat atas..
sorang Galion sorg Bolion..
sbb ape..
sekor girl sekor boy..
prasan x.. dkt kedue2 lion ni ade beza nye..
bolion ade misai; galion x de misai
hadiah dr syera.. kasih terime.. di mana anda berada XDD

ah ni..
dlm bulan march lalu mak ak beli ah blender (belende) baru..
asl nk gi baiki henset rosak kat Greentown.. tp ad la laki cine ni..
dr smartshop..
terrer gile dye promote..
pandai ckp bm.. x cam cine..
hebat sunggoh dye
muke dala cam melayu sikit..
mak ak pon tanye ah die..
ni melayu ke cine..
dy jawab "SAYA IBAN!"

ok ah..
dy tunjok ah blende tu punye skill..
bapak hebat..
dy kisar cili..
dlm mase 1 minit.. cili2 tu jadi serbok!
tu x kesah ah...
ak x nk cite psl cili ke halia ngan belende ni
nk cite psal juice yg boleh dibuat oleh blender ni

blender ni ade super power lagi hebat dr mane2 super hero
name blende ni..

potong sebiji buah epal
buang kulitnye..
masuk dlm cawan (yg mmg disediakan oleh belende tu kalau beli set -pfft mmg kene beli set pon >.>;-) masukkan sikit air .. ngan air gula..
hanya dalam mase 3 minit..
sebiji epal yg dpotong cam biase
jadi epal juice..
hebat kan!!!
epal ni plak..
kan blender tu blend jadi epal juice kn...
kirenye hasiat dy tinggi ah..
sbb klu apple juice yg dibuat oleh juicer biase..
kite kene tapis dulu..
tp yg ni x pyh tapis..
trus minum..
sbb dy nye serat pon dikisar hals..
so nutrient dy masih banyak..
minum best
cam diperah

bapak ak wat test
ye ayin
bapak ak
bgtau mak ak kanG!
bapak ak test ah..
dy masukkan sebiji epal yg x dipotong tp dibuang kulitnya
masuk dlm cwn tu, tmbah air ngan air gule ngan susu
dlm mase kurang 5 minit
epal dikisar jadi apple susu juice!!!
hebat bukan?
ya memang hebat..
cume waktu minum tu rase pelek sikit..
kan x potonmg
biji dikisar sekali..
kelihatan bende hitam kecil2 cam taik lalat di muke yong
haaha.. melawak je :D
muke ak pon byk taik lalat..
ak ad..
skang 9 taik lalat kat muke..

sambung cerite..
kelebihan belende ni...
boleh buat slurrpy..
slurpie cam kat 8 eleven tu..
cume letak air(yg diidamkan) dengan ais.. bg sme bayak dgn air tu..
dlm cawan yg disediakan..
masukkan pengisar dy..
dan tkn suis on..
kisar x infinity x 8 minit = SLURPIE!!! ATAU ICE BLENDED!!
kami masih x pro lagi..
jadi x byk sgt crite psl bende ni
tp waktu promotoer tu buat hebat!
name promoter tu Andy
dy buat slurpy..
free lagi tu
sbb nk soh kitorg beli
dalam.. rm 360 kot..
tp bahagi due sbb kitorg dpt 50% off
yeah XDDD

kelebihan belende lagi!
seperti yg dicakapkan.......
belende ni kisar buah kn
dgn baik skali
bile minum apple juice hasiat nye masih terkandung sbb x payah tapis.. minum skali ngan fiber2 dy..
klu sehari minum dlm 2 cawan apple juice gelas besar dan free
akan ad masalah
yg dipanggil DIARRHEA
kalian boleh berhenti membace jika anda tgh makan atau tidak lalu..
sebab bhgn ni agk menjijikkan..
tp siape yg nk jadi doctor.. anda kene memberanikan diri ye?

sprti yg sy ckp..
mkn byk sgt fibre buah atau minum byk sgt juice yg dikisar olehakan mengahadapi situasi.. mengadam makanan dgn senang dan baik sekali :D
rutin harian..
pergi ke toilet... pagi 2 kali; petang sekali.. dan malam sekali :D
hebat bukan
berat y pon trun
jike siape yg mempunyai masalah sembelit seperti sy.. yg dulunye;
dinasihatkan beli blende ni..
amat berbaloi :D
boleh didapati di mana2 kedai smart shop..
lebih2 lagi jika anda jumpe promoter bernama andy..
tolong kirim slm padanya..
katakan terima kasih kepadanye sbb mempromote SUPERBELENDEMAN!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

ak x igt sape kak ranma D":

Posted by TAE★MIN at 1:44 PM 2 comments

asal ak sorg je x igt D:

org lain igt..
tp akk tu lepak ngan ak bkn korg...


jadi misteri plak...

terigt plak kat kk misteri XD
kk misteri igt plak...
walaupon x pnh lepak ngan die..
kak express lagi ku igt..

oo kk misteri igt dy sbb dye ni jiran bilik.. dok ngan kak nani XD


Tuesday, April 28, 2009

dude ++ dudettes ; ((shopping prt 2))

Posted by TAE★MIN at 11:52 PM 2 comments
yeaaaa XD;
i'll post my blog in English cos yeah... I haven't been comunicate in it for like..
monthsss... seee the letter 's' after months? means many la...

anyways ;
the last thing I told you about me going shopping was about clothes right?
so.. today me and my mom.. and apparently yaya follow us..
damn if she didn't follow it would be much more easier >.>;

target supermarket (locked on!); JAYA JUSCO IPOH!

yeah.. and so; we went shopping for goodies && groceries..
and omygosh! there were just . . .
too many things to buy at the same time..
&& we were...
just throwing stuffs we like into our trolley;
&& yeah..
almost the end..
at the ice cream section;
the trolley was already full.. people were just..
they were STARING AT US!!
but you get the picture right?
when we're up lining at the cashier. this dude here.. he idk.. he had this big trolley but only 2 stuffs in it.. which is a mee maggi and a yogurt -_-;;
\aiyoo pemalas loh.. ghi ah angkat... org lain nk gune trolley gak!
I wish I had enough courage.. or something to insult him like that..
and the dude there were just staring at us..
sampai cashier tu tny..
encik.. brg please?
haiyyaaa... xde ah byk sgt!!!!
over jee tgk tgk cam tu.. ntah2 .. maybe it was me :3 who was his attention... ohohoho
I am prettay after all ;33
-wink wink-
yeaaa back to the story~
next.. we're up next..
we were.. gather the stuff on the counter
&& gosh they were just too many things......
milo ah
maggi ah
chickidis ah
keju ah
ice cream ah
sayor ah..
tomato ah..
cili ah..
ikan ahh..
and etc :3
and ...
barang pon..
were''' overloading..
some fell off..
the dude helped..
and he chuckled!!
I heard him laugh even if it was a small chuckle..
cilakak punye org ah...
x yah ah gelak..
kami pompuan nafsu terhadap makanan jauh lebeh tinggi D:<
haha XDDD

paying it..
it was RMxxx.xx
we keep it a secret from dad.. cos..
you know......
then the reciept was...

setengah depa long..
3/4 depa DDDD:
slalu ak dpt reciept stgh depa,..
ni rekod doh...
3/4 depa XDDD
bapak ah..
ak nk
insap byk2 ah pas ni
x nk ah..
no more materialistik..
though I'm hoping for a super cute pilot for a hubby 8DDD

oh yeaa..
sape nk tgk reciept.. ckp eh.. nnti ak tunjokkan

ni lah.. PAKWE KU :D

Posted by TAE★MIN at 11:46 AM 4 comments

akhirnya ad gak keberanian nk bagi tahu seluruh dunie yg ak dah berboifren :]

name nye Mr X
jumpe kat kenduri kawen seorng nenek
di Negeri 9..
nenek tu kawen lagi...
ak pegi ah kenduri dy...
pakcik ni, Mr X dy duk kat meja hujung
ak nk amek mknn tmbah.. sb x cukup
ak pon tego la pak cik tu

ak : Assalamualaikum; pakcik da makan?
X : Pakcik pose nak
ak : oh ye.. mintak maaf eh.. x tahu
X : X pe nk.. Nak da makan?
ak : dah.. ni round ketige :D
X : O_________O ;
oh xpe la nak.. enjoy meal.
ak : tp pakcik nmpk sedeh D: pk cik ok ke???
X : pk cik ok nak.. huh; sedeh bini pakcik kawen lagi
ak : e-e; bini pakcik ke yg kawen ni? gatai noo?
X : Pak cik tauu; dah die suke tukar laki lain2.. b*tch...
ak : fuiiiyoo; pakcik pon reti ke ckp bende cam tuu?? wowww
X : pak cik blaja dari exss pakcik ah..
ak : oo.. pak cik ad bape org ex?
X : 6.. ke 7.. masuk bini pkcik tu 8 :D
ak : -____________- ;.. pakcik da gilo
X : bkn salah pakcik/.. pakcik ni kan laki
ak : aah eh.. btol gak..
X : kamu berape umor?
ak : 16 :D pakcik?
X : 86.. x de ah byk sgt beza.. cume 70 puluh je.. pak cik penah kapel ngan budak lagi mude dari kamu
ak :? YEEE.. sape?
X : ntah.. pak cik da lupe.. wak tu tu pak cik mude lagi.. waktu pkcik 50 thn dulu..
ak : =.=;
X. : kamu nk couple ngan pakcik?
ak : eeee x moh ah...
X : pak cik ni.. ad syarikat kat England.. number one nye syarikat.. gaji pakcik sebulan Rm XXXXXXX.XX ((amaran mesti dirahsiekan)
X : ni number pakcik.. and this is my card..
X : call me ;]


lalu ak pon bgtau la mak ak..
ak kapel ngan pak cik tu..
mak ak.. O___________O;
lalu tmparku ngan sedaye upaya..
with all her might!!!!!
ak ditampar..
ak lari..
skang ni ak duk ngan pak cik tu..
tp pak cik tu x buat ape2 kat ak :3
dy cume soh ak sembang je ngan dy..
ak smbg dy sonok dgr..
tp bile dy sembang
ak tido..
sbb dy ckp psl sejarah jepon
alahhaaaaii bosannnyeeee
huuuuu ;_________;

ak hr tu ad ah..
ckp ngan yong
ak nk lari dr umah..
tinggalkn pakcik tu..
pastu potong lain internet
cilakak toll
lalu mulalah
perang ku ngan mr X.. (name x harus diketahui.. itu mengumpat namanya)
sume lagu dlm mp4 ak dy gi tukar.. LAGU ZAMAN SEBELUM MALAYSIA MERDEKA
terkozut den..
pak cik tu ckp "nak, x baik dgr lagu bukan2"
gamba laki2 hensem dlm kom ak..
sume dy delete....
gantikan ngan gamba2 dye..
bukan waktu mude..
yg dah kerepot lagi bongkom
itulah gmba yg memenuhi hard disk kom ak
henfon ku pulak..
dy delete sume nom dan file..
hanya ad 4 numbor je dlm phone ak
mr X 012
mr X 014
mr X 019
mr X 016
sbb tu la ak lame x msg korg.. sori eh

ak x thn sudah hidup ngan dy..
ak panggil lah cinta lamaku Gackt..
terkejut ku melihat wajah nya yg juga sudah berkedut..katanya baru balik dr award..
tp dy hanya dpt num 2.. yong nye pakwe lak dpt num 1.. ternyata dahi nye bertambah berkedut lagi..
ak sedih melihatnye lalu menyapu krim SKII mak ak yg dibeli ngan harga rm xxx.xx
kedut di dahi nye hilang sedikit demi sedikit..
namun dy tetap kelihatan tue..
tp xpe lah..
sbb femes ak snggp lari dgnnye..
ak pon blah dr rumh pk cik tu..
tp ak x boleh tinggalkannye begitu sahaja..
ak ambil minyak tanah dan petrol dr motossikal hayabusa kepunyaan gackt. ( tautau cool kan :D)
lalu curahkannye ke rumah pakcik itu..
dan membakar rumahnye.. bersama2 pakcik yg x sempat melarikan diri
terbakar; rentong; hangus..
ak terpaksa buat begini supaya tiada lagi gadis yg sematerialistik ak yg sanggup ke sisi pakcik tu semata2 kerna duit
ak menyesal..
ak buang sifat materialistik ku..
supaya tidak lagi ku termakan umpan duit ..
ak kini sedang menjalani kehidupan ku yg bahagie bersame kekasih pertama ku; Gackt g kugila2kan waktu form 2-3 dulukala..
dan dy memberikan ak 2 buah porche.. ak menolak... dan 3 minit kemudian ak mengambil kunci nye semula..
dan melekat plat P di cermin belakang dan hadapan kereta itu..
org lain tgk ak bawa porche..
dgn plat P..
lalu ketawa terbahak2 di jalan raya.. menyebabkan kemalangan jalan raya berlaku..


mintak maaf pakcik...

((cerite rekaan semata2))


Posted by TAE★MIN at 11:11 AM 1 comments
sbb ak nk jadi KAYO!!


materialistik XDDDD

nnti ak post something yg lebeh pjg..

perut memulas..

sjk skolah habis..
kes sembelit ak turut hilang..
ak bershukur..
skarang tiap hari ak B!
berat turut turun
ak hanya 42 kg walaupon stiap hari mcdonal memanggil ku DX

ak tahu..
ak manusie..
x boleh nk boikot mcdonald..
maafkan ak..
tp ak boikot bende lain..

maafkan ak..
anda layak mengutuk ku :]

Saturday, April 25, 2009

women && shopping :33

Posted by TAE★MIN at 11:52 PM 4 comments


semalam; hari plg besttt!
mak gi la beli brg make up kat skII
kat parade
harga dye... x yah tny ah >.> ;
but you know... SKII BEB!!
dpt voucher.... 250 ringgit :3
kebetulan sale smlm
best woooooo
borong baju byk2 mcm g kedai runcit
da la yg gi ak ngan mak je..
heeeee :D
lagi best
&& then;
mak plak ckp...
"yas klu nk pape g ah amek.. try.. mama pon nk tgk barang mama"
ak pon..
gi ah.. amek byk2 yg berkenan pastu try.. bg kat mak soh bayar :D
1 slack jean voir, 1 jean BUM, 1 T google, 2 T shirt oreef, 1 T shirt BUM, 1 T shirt cheetah..
mak pulak
1 baju googles ngan baju dari s.c.e
mule2 ak igt ak da over
mak ckp
ooo xpe..
baju ni mama byr ngan voucher je
baju tu..
mcm dpt free je
best gile dowh!!!!!!!!!
x penah ak shopping rase sehebat ni!!

balik dr shopping
mkn secret recipe :]
smlm mak ak baik hati..
sbb mls nk masak
yaya. amus kebulo kat umah
HAHA PADAN MUKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

pastu pagi tadi;
mak ckp..
mama rugi ah..
ad satu bj ni 70% off
mama nk amik.. tp cam yankee sket..
pastu ak ckp..
laaa mama... xpe2 esok kite gi amek..
esok dpt ak pau mak ak lagi
haaaaaaaaa XDD


TWILIGHT FAN!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by TAE★MIN at 11:47 PM 1 comments

comel kan :33???
ak pon rase comel je.. heeeeee :D

ltk ah kat page korg.. klu nk

ak pon bknnye twilight fan sgt
bengang ++ hampa ;_;
pttnye gaspard ulliel lyk lagi pgg watak Edward

re : ayin nye char koteaw

Posted by TAE★MIN at 11:45 PM 2 comments

bapak ak suke gile bace yg tu
bapak ak suke bace blog org.. tp bace ayin nye blog.. klaka dowh..
ak yg mule2nye x prasan klaka leh gelak gak join dy XD

syera da dpt hadiah dye....
skng da bersyukur..
x yah nk risau!!!

hang cam x nk kwn ak je
dan ini memang satu penipuan.. jangan PERCAYA!!!

ak ngan yaya gaduh agi.. da seminggu x tegor..
gilo seminggu x tego adek sendiri
malas ah -_-;
biarkan.. ak nk g UK insya-Allah.. doakan eh >333

The Third Alice

Posted by TAE★MIN at 1:52 AM 2 comments
the third Alice is a longer chapter.. yeah please keep on reading.. only 2 more chapter XDD all ends at Alice number 4... but yeah.. seriously it took me a whole 3 days to finish this third Alice && man please appreciate my hardwork x3333 >8)


England 1699, born a young girl the first day of spring. A baby with skin as white as the purest snow, skin as soft as an angel and emerald hues to complete a perfect facial for a new born baby. The baby was born from a normal happy couple who had married for 20 years but never had any children. Having a baby for this pair of commoner was indeed a treacherous gift from God.

The beautiful soon grew up and was named Alice as a resemblance to her beauty. Alice was then an attention to the whole city she lived. At the age of ten, a duke came approaching her family, a greeting from London. He came and bought the whole family a new house and thousands of pretty dresses for Alice to wear. Alice replied his sincere kindness with the most beautiful smile ever created on an innocent child’s face. Soon as she lived in the city, more and more gifts were given to her by numerous rich men over the country. This is all thanks to her seraphic facial and figure, she had became an attention to whole England.

Soon as she was turning sixteen, many men from different cities and country, from poor to rich seek for marriage from her. Many men were fighting over, wanting to keep her as something to be kept as theirs forever. This had caused quite a disturbing circumstance to the whole family. As the year ran by, Alice was kept in her house locked away by her father. The King himself soon came to their house offering a ring to the poor serene girl who had not knew what love mean to her. She sighed big the whole time she was locked in. Her raven hair was long now, tied in pigtails and her front bangs covering half her eyes. She wiped them away letting her soft black silky hair swept by the wind. As she was waiting in her locked room with closed window her dearest father came. He pulled her by her arms violently and she was dragged and fell on to the floor.

“Papa, what is the matter?” She asked, her voice was low and very soft. She spoke as if she was singing to her father.

Her father took some of her dresses that she felt comfortable with and put it in a sack. Her mother was also busy packing up some things while she laid there on the floor clueless and yet afraid to open her tiny pink lips to ask what ever happened. Her mother then quickly undressed her and dressed her with male’s clothes .Her hair was tied into a knot by her mother and she kept the beautiful perfect long hair in a chapeau. The day quickly shifted into night as moon rose while the sun sank. They were all wearing dark robe as in to cover them from be seen by people. The city was in total darkness as all were in their slumber. It was beyond midnight. They were riding black horses so they couldn’t be seen by any people and cause suspicion among the country. Her mother rode with her; Alice herself never had been placed on top of a horse. It made her anxious of the situation now yet she kept her mouth tight all of the time.

They rode for few days far from the country they had been living. Alice felt ill through the quest. It had been the longest period for she to stay out day and night not covering herself with any shelter. For weeks she had been nauseated and shuddered. It made her mother worried and pleaded her father to stop the quest for a few days. They stopped in the middle of a small country, Lithuania. A peaceful country far from any commotion and ferment. Ah the scenery was a complete set with flowers from various types. Lilies, bougainvilleas, hydrangeas, roses, sunflowers bloomed wildly here. Alice’s pale facial sparkled seeing those beautiful saplings blooming with full delights.

“Father please let me down?” She pleaded her father with her emerald hues locked on his. His father couldn’t resist the exotic feeling her daughter had. He let her go a few fingerbreadths away from them letting her played with the blooming colored grasses. She was dancing gracefully. Her hat fell letting her hair dropped out, free to breathe the fresh air. It was getting longer a few inches. Her mother smiled, tears welded in her pairs drying as she had never seen her daughter so pretty and happy at the same time. Ah it had been so long she thought. Few footsteps then heard approaching Alice. She turned around finding a tall figure dressed elegantly standing close to her.

“You are not familiar around here. Are you new?” He asked her. His voice was low, deep very charming. She was drowned in his soothing voice. She starred her lips were too heavy to hung open. Her emerald pairs shined locking on his platinum blond that was squalled and made a mess of it. Her face flushed pink and the color stretched to her ears and it was obvious for that man to seen her blushed for him. She turned around running to her parents hiding her petite body behind them.

“Aaah. I am deeply sorry I had no intention scaring you away,” He paced forward walking to her parents while his blue pairs searching for the hidden girl.

“We were traveling. We had to stop here, this child of ours had fallen ill” the father spoke seeing him as a fine gentleman that could be trusted, he let a small smirk drawn on his dull expression. Her mother smiled as well.

“Ah, no wonder she was red. You can call me Leon by the way. ” He let out a soft chuckled and it made Alice flushed deeper. Her heart was throbbing really fast and she placed both her hands on her cheek. It was really warm. Almost to burning hot. She had never experienced this feeling. It was uneasy for her to handle it yet, a very pleasant one either.

Leon let the family of three to his house. It was a big mansion indeed. Leon was a son of a duchess here. Unfortunately her whole family was murdered living him with a huge place called home with only him and a butler, Sebastian to live in it. There were a lot of room and he gave Alice her mother’s. It was a very special one yet a very special person whom he met less than a day had it filled.

They lived happily without any upheaval. Alice and Leon had become best of friends and their bond was getting stronger. However, nobody confessed their feelings until now. Alice was waiting for him yet he looked at Alice with the same glance that he gave to other women. This had made Alice given up hope that her love was never returned. A year had passed since then. Her father was terribly sick. He was dying and left Alice with a beautiful necklace with a heart shaped pendant. It fit her and highlighted her elegance. Alice grieved her father death. Not long from her mother death, her mother died from drinking a poison. She could not stand not living with her husband thus leaving her with a note saying fare well and a piece of flower shaped brooch. It was a very pretty one and her mother’s good luck charm. Alice was left with one hope only; Leon.

There was an evening where Leon was having a dinner with Alice. It was a quite dinner with only the two of them sitting at the end of each side of the table. The dinner was the same as usual yet it was a peculiar one as well. As she drank a glass of red wine, she fainted. Leon stood up calmly walking to her. He picked her up bride style and put her to bed. It was not a shocking matter for him at all. It was all planned thanks to Cantrell, a drug that was mostly used by an Italian person to make someone fall under an illusion and fell a deep sleep not remembering anything. He sighed sitting next to her gazing at her beauty while her eyelids closed shut.

“As time passed by, I feel that my heart must keep hidden. So I may approach, yet I heave a sigh. Because around you I feel far from myself” He picked her hands intertwined his fingers with her frail ones and kissed it. He leaned closer to the sleeping angel and placed his lips on her. It was a small peck yet her taste was alluring. A knife was held in his hand, he was planning to cut her throat. As he placed the knife an inch from her throat his hand suddenly trembled vigorously and it dropped the knife. Tears were flooding his eyes and it felt dropped by dropped soon turned into tears of waterfall. “In my ordinary love, I knew you are far too good to be mine. I held this knife so no one could have you beside me. Yet, seeing you slept like this had made me clearly loved you that I could not let anyone laid any fingers on you and even me myself could not hurt you.” He cried burying his face in his palm soon after falls asleep beside her.

While Alice who was laid there eyes still closed shut was having a dream of her own. She walked following a red path as there were no other paths to follow. She walked and walked till her paced became slower, her feet was beginning to lost powers. The red path soon came to an end bringing her into a very beautiful garden, blooming only with blue flowers. Ah it was a very beautiful sea of blooming rare blue flowers. Hydrangea, lilies, roses and various more flowers made up a wide blue sea. Alice held her arm wide open feeling the wind that were sweeping her long raven hair and tickled her fair skin. She sipped her hair behind her ear as she smelled a beautiful scent. It was a fragrance made off jasmine, daisies, and other beautiful things made up the most beautiful scent she had ever smelled. Her feet paced towards the smell while her nose sniffed the scent. The fragrance then brought her to a table. On it was a long thin glass and a bottle of green wine. Next to the wine was a small piece of white card written ‘Drink me!’. She opened the bottle and sniffed it. Ah it was the scent that she smelled. Her throat was suddenly burned with thirst and she poured some of the wine into the glass and sipped it little by little until all of it sank down t her throat. Her thirst disappeared but soon after she felt a terrible headache. Her head was aching with the most malicious pain she ever felt. She fell on her knees both hand holding her head tight. She screamed for help and her eyes opened leading her back into the real world. As she woke up she saw Leon was beside her. His head was fast asleep on the bed while his body sat on the floor. Alice smiled. He must’ve been really tired looking after her.

As she stood up and let her feet on the ground, a terrible pain reached her. First reaching her head then it crawled through out her whole body. She fell down. Screaming piercingly as she could, Leon quickly woke up hearing her shriek. “Alice!” He ran to her picking her up and let her rest on his past only he was terribly shocked looking at the girl she loved so dearly. Her beautiful emerald eyes were red, full covered with blood. Alice was gliding with pain soon; she held Leon’s face in her palm.

“Leon, don’t die. Don’t please? You won’t leave me all alone will you?” In her eyes she saw a dead body in front of hers. It was Leon. Seeing her beloved died made her screamed more frequently. Se could not accept any more death. She cried terribly and her tears soon become bloody red as there were no more tears to produce except blood.

“But Alice, I am here. Next to you, and I would not go anywhere far from you” Her voice rose trying to convinced her but all she did was crying and screaming saying Leon died. She fell asleep soon. Leon was incredibly agitated with her actions and saying. Was she hallucinating? Blood were clearly oozing from her hues and it made guilt rose in his body as he knew drugging her would gave her an antagonistic effect afterwards. He sighed deep looking down terribly at her. His face was burning with shame of his act earlier. He picked her up and cleaned her from the crimson red that covered her and quickly put her in a very beautiful wedding dress letting her asleep in it. In his thoughts, as soon as she woke up, that would be the moment he proposed to his angel.

It had been four whole days and Alice had not awakened from her slumber yet. Leon faced turned pale as his worried deepen for her loved one. He did not dominate perfect meal and his life though out these four days was only to keep a close eye on his angel. The night before the fifth day, Leon was deeply fatigue. He fell asleep looking after her. Alice suddenly woke up again, she looked around. From her sight she saw Leon’s dead body laid beside her. Her face changed. Yet, no more tears were able to lapse down. She let her feet on the ground with a wedding dress that was slipped on her, she walked out the mansion. Her feet did not know where to bring her, yet it kept pacing forward. She walked and walked until she arrived at the city. Ah, the city was very calm and peaceful as always. Lithuania was one of the most beauty countries with cities that were always calm and serene. The treacherous moon lit upon her. Her face was in deep tragic.
From Alice’s point of view, what she saw is very parallel from what was real. The city was burned downed. The road was covered with red crimson covering cobblestone roads in the city. Dead bodies were all over the ground. Pieces of marble hung awkwardly from buildings, cement cracked and stone pillars toppled over like dominos. Benches were strewn over the broken floor, blood dried and mottled over the cream colored floors, bodies still thrown over the cracked steps leading to the desecrated statue of the King of Lithuania. The beautiful stained glass characters shattered and thrown along the ground from the previous battle held not but a few days ago seemed to glitter with a red light, pieces reflecting the morose scenery. She indeed could not believe what she saw and she cried. Crying alone she fell on her knees and cried the whole night until tears fell from her emerald eyes. Again, she was crying blood. She sniffed wiping all of the red from her white snowy skin and it made her filthy covered with blood. She then, saw an officer who was standing by a pole which was cracked and in a few moments the pole might fall down on him. She walked barely to the officer, with a wedding dress stained by crimson red.

“Mister Officer, Everybody died!” Her vice was low yet her tone was at an aerial pitch. She thug at the officer’s clean uniform approaching him and as the officer turned around looking at her he was indeed astounded by her appearance. Her clothes, beautiful face all was smeared with crimson gore. He helped her up and she told him everything she saw with her own eyes yet, what she saw was doubtlessly clashing from what the officer saw. Then, many more approaching them asking what had happened to the beautiful lady. Alice’s view did not change. It was the same monstrous situation she saw. The officer called her crazy abide her traumatic act and hysteric behavior, he locked her in a prison hoping she would stay silent until she could get over her fear.

Leon on the other hand searching for Alice and pictured her to people all over the town so that they could help him searched her. A boy then said to him that the officer took her in and locked her into a prison as they said that the beautiful lady Leon pictured was seeing distorted things. Leon ran dashing to the officers and begged them to let Alice free. All of the police there could not agree with Leon’s wish. He kept pleading and one of the officer let him in bringing him to her to look at her serious insane behavior. She was locked securely in a cell made of hard steel. The officer unlocked the bar and let him in. Leon fell on his knees. He was in an absolute awe seeing her loved one being tied by white clothes around her with steel surrounded all over her so she couldn’t flee the situation. Her eyes were patched as well as her mouth was tied by cloth so she could not scream and shriek saying that she saw death. It was too cruel for Leon to accept it. Leon then murdered the whole station and brought Alice’s body home. He untied her and washed her. Her eyes were half opened. Her smile died. Tears were endlessly run down her emerald pairs. He wiped them away and they were still there starting from the corner of her eyes. Alice was a living dead for the time being. She was only crying all the time; without any words to say, without any food to be eaten, and without any night to fallen asleep.

It had been several weeks since then. Alice’s condition was the same. The only choice for Leon was to kill her but his hand froze as well as his whole body at the thought. He then put her in a coffin of ice and sealed her frozen deep under his mansion without any sunlight. Killing her was far too barbaric for him yet he kept her frozen as an ice statue so her beauty will remain for eternity. “Alice, you are the most beautiful woman I have ever met, yet your fate was deigned too cruel for you. Your destiny and you yourself was an imperfect match. I am sorry I could not protect you” He touched the cold ice block that was keeping Alice. He smiled gazing at her beauty for the last time before he cut himself on the throat, then died in front of her with blood oozing from his throat, redden the grey floor.

The third Alice was little a green one due to her bright emerald eyes that charmed anyone who gazed them. Drinking a poisoned wine in wonderland, then fainted taken over by a distorted dream. Her sight became parallel soon after. She was afraid of death as she saw many thus was kept as an ice by her loved one as her beauty shall remain forever.

The Second Alice

Posted by TAE★MIN at 1:48 AM 0 comments
hmmm :3
this is the second alice.. I forgot to tell you; keep on reading till the end of the story cos yeah.. All alice are related.. (bapak ak pon x caye ak bley tulih crite dramatic) XDD


Set in Italy 1694, few years after the destruction of a kingdom called Freya, Middle of France. The destruction was caused by a terrible firestorm caused by an unknown woman called Alice. Alice was no longer seen after the incidence. People had it said that she died along with the fire. Others just said she was a witch sent by demons to destroy Earth. Yet, all of these things didn’t interrupt a life of a young Italian named Alice.

The second Alice was a fragile blue. His life was only full of music. His voice, talent were all God’s gifts for him who loved music. The second Alice was a fragile man in blue whose passion was only on music. Non other than that.

He was born on December 16, Milan, Italy. During his birth his mother was in a total shock knowing that she had given birth to a boy. Her mother despised the fact that her blood-related child that was born few seconds ago was a boy. So, she named him Alice after few days given birth to him. She had hatred towards men since her one only loved one cheated on her leaving her behind with a bump.

It was very hard indeed for a man to live his life forward carrying the name Alice everywhere. While still young at age, getting kicked, punched and slammed was compulsory for him each day. Bruises and wounds were drawn on his pale snowy skin. No one cared for him. Even his own mother threw him away while he couldn’t learn to speak on his own. He was a fragile boy in blue who was very lacked given of love. A year after his mother suicidal case, a fine elegant lady who was at her mid-age approached him. She was a rich one who had Spanish accent in her speech. Her fingers was full covered with jewelry yet, when she saw a young boy sat alone in front of an orphan house with an innocent not-knowing what was happening around him, she couldn’t ignore the boy. He had such angelic look on his and the crystal sapphire eyes were just too dazzling. This made her thought of her dead son. A fetus who couldn’t survive in his mother’s womb. She sat next to him.

“You’re one fine boy who will be very useful for me one day” She smiled patting his soft blond.

“My name is Alice. Will you hate me for that?” He asked. His eyes were as pure as a seraph.

“Of course not my dear” She hugged him. This was a start of a new life for the second Alice.

He grew up with his new mother, Madam Red as she never wears anything more than red. Her hair was painted red from gold and her red stunning eyes were as stunning as a vixen. As he grew up he learned more about himself. He was given a gift of creating music. At the age of 10 he created a music that was never heard of human kind. With his beautiful angelic voice he soothed people off their minds creating peace. At the age of 16 while playing a string instrument as well, he sang to the King. He was rumored as being an Angel.

December 1714 he turned 21. The night the day he was born, he dreamt a dream. In his dream he saw himself walking deep down into a weird place. A place full of roses and those roses weren’t the normal ones that people get from their garden. The roses were blue. There was a garden full of blue roses. He plucked one of the rose before he began hearing a soothing beautiful melody. He hummed along with the melody later creating his own words to fit the melody he heard. This dream was the most beautiful event he had dreamt. If only it was real he thought. In his dream he saw himself singing a beautiful melody he never heard of. He sang and sang and created a world of his own. This world was a psychotic world. His singing voice killed thousands in his dream and wilted those innocent blooming roses. Then, came a man with an eye patch covering his left ones. The man held a blue revolver in his then shot him right into his heart. In his dream, he died with wilted rose surrounding his unedifying death.

Quickly he woke up from the nightmare he had. He walked downstairs to the grande piano in his mansion he had live with his ‘mother’, Madame Red he played the melody he heard in his dream and noted down creating words for the music. As he was playing the weird song from his dream, his mother came down approaching him.

“Alice, what was that noise you played?”

“Noise? But, mother I had a most brilliant dream. And this soothing music I heard in my dream was so beautiful and oh I had to note it down before I forget it” Alice’s said with hope in his voice.

“Music? Beautiful?!” She shrieked. “This noise you played in the middle of the night where millions are still slumbering you called this music?!” She walked close taking the note he jotted down while ago. She picked the sheet he created and was shocked to see there were only scribbling quavers, semibreve and such. This music she saw was a piece of disaster. “This is the most disgusting thing I had ever seen in my whole life!” She torn the papers and went straight back to bed.

Alice stared at her mother’s chaotic act. The piece was heavenly. For him it was the most beautiful music he had ever heard. Yet, his Madame Red was his first priority and he had promised that he would never with her mother’s words. Even though he had suffered everynight as he dreamt the same dream every night he slept and the music in his dream had stuck in his mind. He felt he wanted to sing the music of his dream to the world.

April 1715, it was spring. Alice was invited to the Castle to sing a holy song of peace to the Italians as they were in great peace. This was to show their gratitude towards Italy. There he stepped on the luxurious stage and millions in front of him came down from all over the world in order to hear his perfect voice. As his lips began to widen, his mind went blank. There was no music in his head. Only empty spaces as if black hole had sucked all of his music in his head. Then suddenly without his control he began singing the song he heard from his dream.

As he was singing the false sheet he got from his dream, the various people whop came far and near just to see him singing died, suffering from the lyrics he sang. For him, it was the most beautiful piece he had ever hard and sang. But nevertheless did he knew, the sheet was a haunted one. It was a macabre, a disaster for others. The music made his voice so high pitched that his voice penetrated each pair of hears that were present. Each word of his vocal sliced the brain that heard the music. As he opened his eyes he saw people suffering from the sheet he just sang. He looked around at the disastrous moment. Tears welds in his blue hues and it made them turned red as he saw his own ‘mother’ Madame Red who lied with both eyes opened. Blood were oozing from her ears as if someone had shot her through her ears. He scream dashing briskly to his dear beloved putting her dead head on his lap, grieving for her. There was no one there who could help him as only dead body surrounded him. Before he soon given all hope footsteps approached him. He turned around with wide eyes and mouth hanged open. It was a man with an eye. The other was covered in black patched wielding a blue revolver in his hand.

“You- You were there in my dream” He said his tone was low yet his voice was very clearly beautiful. “Tell me, please. Why-”


The second Alice couldn’t finish off his sentences. He was shot right through his heart. Yet, he didn’t die off straight away. He was still conscious eventhough he knew that his heartbeat should stop any second. As his vision was getting blurred, he heard birds chirping far up the sky with bells chirming. There he saw a garden with thousands of blue rose. This time it was different with what he dreamt. The roses weren’t wilting and dying, they were blooming beautifully. He managed to plaster a little piece of smile before he closed his eyes for eternity. Yet, a song was created after his death.

The second Alice was a fragile blue. Singing the world with his soothing voice, yet filling regions with so many false created notes, that was of a crazy blue world. This new Alice was of a rose; he was shot and killed by a mad man with left eye covered in a black eye patch. It left a flower blooming sadly red; the one who was loved is now forgotten.

The First Alice

Posted by TAE★MIN at 1:40 AM 0 comments

Aaah, France 1714. The world has just revolved. In a small kingdom of Freya there she was. Serving the king and queen of the kingdom Freya while everyday she was in red. Both her clothes and skin was painted red as she was indeed the greatest warrior. Yet it was a sin for women to be greater than men. She was a taboo. She was the first Alice, a gallant woman in red.

The story of the first Alice sets off when she held the cursed sword given by the King of Freya. It said that the sword was only for those who were strong enough to hold it in their rough hands covered in red. It was the sword of Wonderland. Rumors had said that it took centuries to yield the powerful sword. Yet, within centuries it had kill thousands. The same goes for whoever held this piece. Many had died. The sword of Wonderland never had its true master as no one is able to control it. It was indeed a thrill for Alice to hold such wonderful strong sword in her palms yet it was a huge honor indeed.

The first Alice then took the sword in hers then felt as if her soul was sucked deep into the sword as her pair of ruby hues set place at the sword. A smirk was drawn on her jubilant face then knelt before the King and Queen. Since that moment the kingdom Freya enlarges, engulfing other smaller kingdoms such as the kingdom Remnant, Julius, and Alexandra’s. Freya then became a well known kingdom. Peasants, patrons and artistes came increasing the population of Freya. This happened because of one thing. Freya never lost in a war. It was all a deep oblige to Alice herself as she got stronger every second she held the sword of Wonderland in her. Most have the thoughts that maybe Alice was the true holder of the sword of Wonderland and the savior of these centuries. The King praised her and throne her with positions, wealth and luxury. She was indeed honored with the King’s gratitude towards her. Yet no one knew what she suffered. Every night since she held the powerful sword, a dream came, visiting her. In those dreams she was nevertheless than a young woman with beauty, luxury and power. However, in every of her dream ended with nightmares. Suddenly everything turned crimson. She tried to wake herself up everytime her wonderful dream turned into nightmares yet there was no strength. She couldn’t force herself to wake up leaving headaches run in the morning. These made her decision to be stronger. To keep those dreams away, far away from her forever.
Few months later then set another rumor of people men being slaughtered alive while women disappeared. Children were killed. Their corpses were there but without heads on. This made worry to both the King and Queen of Freya as their kingdom was once again far from peace. More and more commoners went out to other kingdoms seeking for an exotic life. The King then briskly summoned Alice and commanded her to seek for the man who was responsible for al of these chaotic and macabre acts. Alice knelt down once again agreeing on the King’s order and held her troops for a mission guarding humanity every night.

So far, every night there was to guide the people of Freya, Alice was never present with her troops. Her absence made curiosity to her troops and one of those obscure night, the treacherous moon spoken. There was a boy in her troop. A boy of age 16 with his pale skin as white as the snow and his eyes were as azure as the sky. With a man as beautiful as the sky it made people wonder why she joined the troop. No one knew. The only one knew was that the boy himself sacrificed his youth and life to the gallant woman in red, Alice. He was deeply in love with her yet without anyone knowing. The only thing he could wish right now was to be stronger than her so that he could protect the whole Kingdom and his love as well.

“KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH” a shriek went by. The troops ran to the source of a woman screaming. Dozen pairs f eyes went wide and crazy as no one could not believe the neurotic, veiled murderer was non other than the true knight of Freya. It was indeed Alice. They were trembling as her white Caucasian skin was covered with lots of blood and the sword she wields glowed bright. Brighter than the moon itself. She chuckled. Her chuckled later turned into deep hysteric laughs and this made the soldiers had no other choices than to kill her for the sake of Freya. As they were pacing forward trying to gather up all strength slash! The soldiers went down one by one, died. It wasn’t Alice who killed them. It was the small boy who felt deep in love with Alice. Alice ruby hues stared into his blue pairs seeking for consciousness for an answer to the question what happened and what had she done. Tears weld in her eyes and he paced towards her embracing her before he drugged her with sleeping pills.

It was several days after the incident Alice woke up not knowing what day is today and what had happened since the night she last shed blood of innocent human. It was a dark night indeed. Dark clouds were graving the sky with sadness. She looked around and spotted a familiar looking boy.

“You are-”

“Shhhh” He placed his frail finger on his marble lips. “Hush now you are not worthy of speaking advert to your status and condition.”

“Then, where am I?” she asked. Her ruby eyes were calm and serene.

“A secret place.” His voice was soft and passion then paced few steps towards her before he knelt down in front of her and took her hand kissing it. “I’m sorry, but you are now locked here. This is for your own good, and for the sake of Freya.” He said his eyes drawn into hers.

Her face was clueless to what had happened. She nodded and few moments later he disappeared through the door locking her behind it keeping her safe from being hunt down. As the male walked off, her head went berserk. It was the most caustic pain she ever felt and later she went out cold leaving her body walked off searching for the sword as it was locked in a locked chest. She had no key but her hand suddenly act on its own and took a pin from her hair and solved the puzzle to open the locked chest. There, she saw a gallant sword laying on its own without any friend. She took the sword and said “Don’t worry, you’re not alone anymore.” Within seconds she turned the door into rusted tiny pieces and went off killing people making her own path in the forest by cutting everything down. This wasn’t enough for her. So she burnt the kingdom down.

The first Alice was a gallant red. Wielding a sword in wonderland, she sliced down everything in her way. Her trailed was only a bloody red path as she brought innocent blood on her skin and clothes. This Alice was indeed controlled by the sword, had no where to go. She was trapped as a wanted fugitive. If it weren’t for the red path she made, no one would think she ever existed. Thus, Alice was trapped in her nightmare for eternity.


forgot to warn you guys before reading 83...
wear glasses!!!....
may had seizures afterwards -_-;
like it :D?


Posted by TAE★MIN at 1:35 AM 0 comments
this is a story i wrote based on the original vocaloid song Alice of Human Sacrifice && Story of Evil

There was once a little dream.
No one knows who had dreamt it,
It was such a small dream.
This made the little dream think,
“I don’t want to disappear, how can I make people dream me?”
The little dream thought,
And at last had an idea
“I will make people come to me and they will make my world”

Friday, April 24, 2009

aaah MANUSIE LAGI!!!!!!! kebodohan part 4

Posted by TAE★MIN at 10:27 PM 2 comments
leh wat video discovery tajuk kebodohan manusie dah ni..
ad 4 part dah

br berlaku.. 4 jam lalu..
di sebuah pasar malam

nk tulih pon mengigil lagi badan

k ah..
bende ni belaku kat ak..
tp ak nmkn ak minah C... utk cun.. :D

minah C gi ah psr mlm ngan family dy..
cam bese ah..
pastu nk tunggu makcik ni ni bungkus laksa..
laksa KK sedap weh/..
makcik tu plak ashik tanye..
nk telor x????

ak ah..
spai 4 kali ak ckp nk.. sbb dy tanye 6 kali kot..
paneh je..
tgh2 tunggu ni..
ade laki gi sondol minah C ni..
nk ckp terlanggar cx la plak terase blkng badan cam disondol..
tgk blkg..
laki tu snym2
ckp sori dik
pkcik terlanggar

eeee yuck!!!
nk muntahhh
xde ah crowded sgt

nk mndi ah..
buat kali kedue
menggigil lagi ni

ak nk hidup zaman dulu..
zmn alburquek..
nnti dpt jadi femes
cam parameswara

Thursday, April 23, 2009

kebodohan manusia menjadi-jadi

Posted by TAE★MIN at 2:18 PM 3 comments
wadduh wadduh

bengang x ?
klu d org call..
tp kite x sdr call tu..
tgk miscall num x knl;;;
ak pon.
ah x knl.. malas ah;

mlm tu org yg same.. text ak..


ak pon jwb ah


pastu dy bls;;

"So what my father said was true"

rase cam ap tau..
mcm ak ni spiderman ke ap..
sbb identiti dah diketahui
ak pelek sungguh..
malas ah nk jawab..
org men2 kot..

keesokan harinye..
dy text agi..


bodoh nyeee...
amek ko..
dah la org berlakon dy pelakun
cek darjah berape oy???

heeee :D

sbb x knl..
x jwb..
tp dgn bantuan yong..
ak jawab je la..
spai skang x balas lagi..

ak igt
org tu slh num kot..
dy gaduh ngan awek dy..
tp ak plak jadi mangse..

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

stick your middle finger to the world

Posted by TAE★MIN at 2:27 PM 2 comments
asal tajuk dye


cerite pngalaman sy di sebuah lot parking... sebuah shopping complex..

ade la kn
satu hari tu
ni kat kl la.. bkn kat ipoh/....
ape ape ah..

nk masuk parking..
carik punye ah pnt
tau2 la kn..
da la waktu tu xmas..
sale best..
carik parking
ooooooooooooh tidak!!!!
dah berape kali round.. x dpt gak/....

pastu da la org parking kat tmpat x boleh parking etc; tepi jalan -_-;;;
betapa bodohnya manusia x ikot praturan.....

bapaku jumpe ah... parking ni..
lajuuu je terus bapakku pegi kan.. nk masuk parking tu..
tp ad plak mamat ni ngan family dy..
bkn family kot..
dy ngan pompuan dy je..
awek kot
sbb mude
heeeeee :D
dy pon gi ah..
tibe2 menghimpit bpk ak berebot [parking....
dr awal lg bpk ak da bg signal...
buat2 x nmpk..
padahal mate celik luas..
apakah bodohnya anda.....
bpk ak pon bengang ah.. trus..
menunjukkan jari hantunya kat org tu..
hbt x?
padre ak tu..
buat mcm tu..
da ah doctor..
ngan bangga nye abg ak plak ckp..
kat org tu kuat2
x nmpk ke.. kete merc nak masuk XDDDD;

carik gaduh..
ak punye ah risau tkt org tu kuar nk blsh ke ape ke..
hahahaha XDDD;

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

award :33

Posted by TAE★MIN at 4:25 PM 2 comments

boring :33.. so edit gamba..

x tau nk wat gmba pe..

i ran out of good picture to edit ;_;

award ni..
kat org2 yg creative............

sape rase kretif..
amek lah..

heeeeeeee :D

lawa x :33?


Posted by TAE★MIN at 3:50 PM 1 comments
hatiku dah caiiir..

sapekah yg mendubbkan lagu melt ni ke english version..
harap2 lah penyanyi tu ade rupe XDD

uwaaa CADEEEE x333

Wakin' up in the morning,
I only had one thought inside my mind.
Yes, it was you.

Had a haircut the other day,
So you could notice and then say to me,
"Why the new style?"

I put my pink skirt on and the silver flower ring on my right hand.
I step outside and tell myself,
Today, you will see how bright I really can be!

MERUTO! I'm melting as I think of you.
And even so, I'm too shy to say that

However, MERUTO!
I can't even look at your eyes.
However will I get my feelings across to you?
It's you that is holding my heart still,
After all.

Forecast this morning,
Was wrong and left me unprepared again.
Now I'm caught in the rain.

Could've got an umbrella.
From a store somewhere and then I heard him sigh.
I see a boy leave. Oh, was it you? And then, I say,

"Do you mind if I walk with you," as you unfold the parasol.
I hope you didn't see my face was burning red,
And now I am falling in love with you!

MERUTO! Oh, I am hardly breathing!
As our hands touch, you'll see,
I'm trembling! My heart beats hard.
All of this just because we're sharing this umbrella!
Just nearly close enough, to feel your breath.
Oh, what to do...

Oh, please, God, just stop time forever.
This waterfall of tears has started. Don't know if it'll ever stop.
But I'm so happy now,
That I could just die!

MERUTO! The time of parting has arrived.
Though we will meet again, oh, until then, you'll disappear.
And again, MERUTO! Oh, God, please tie us forever!
Already missing you, I never want
to say goodbye.
I take you in my arms and say "I love you,"
...In my dreams.

Monday, April 13, 2009

aaah interbiu esok ;_; tkt >O<;

Posted by TAE★MIN at 12:21 PM 1 comments

INTERVIEW ESOK!!!!! tkt ;_;

gile gile tkt..
doakn yeh..
x tau pe nk ckp

anyway I like to give my thanks to few people here..
who support me..
my family.. definitely ♥♥&hearts

yong-u... dy wat lukisan good luck utk ak tu
heeee lwkn :D

mashi.. giv me many supposrt..

nawal... doakan eh x333

mr p..
heeeeeeeee XD

iezy.. anak sejati ku.. hrp2 kite leh g same2

and yg laen skali..
cume x lrt nk tuleh je XDD


Posted by TAE★MIN at 10:43 AM 0 comments

yeah award ni lagi XDD>..

hmm nk dedicate kat sape..

dlm hal blogging ni ak noob lgi ah..

nawal ,yong, keem....... heeeeeee :DDD

GAAAAH memikirkannye ak x langsung lyk amek award ni ;O;
sodeh sodddeh!

maluu ah..
x seswai ah XDD

Sunday, April 12, 2009


Posted by TAE★MIN at 3:58 PM 0 comments

dr yong XDDDDD
award ni..
ak tanak bg sape2 plak

haha XDDDD

tamak toi..
thx yonG!

Friday, April 10, 2009


Posted by TAE★MIN at 2:33 PM 1 comments
bosan dowh >.>;
aaah~ interview x ready hbh lagi x33

1. Put your iTunes/Napster/Zune Player/WinAmp/etc on shuffle.
2. For each question, press the next button to get your answer.
4. Tag 15 or more friends who might enjoy doing this as well as the person you got it from.

Breathe Carolina - Put Some Clothes on

Juno - Anyone else but you
hmm tangan! (hand fetish~)

Neverending White Lights - The grace
kawen pilot!

We The Kings - Stay Young

lagu I pissed my pants

Simple Plan - Grow Up
GROW UP PARENTS DX lmfao JKJKJKJK! mesti laa yg best pffft >.>;

Every Little Things - Time Goes by
Mase berlalu~~

WHAT IS 2+2?
The Ataris - I remember you
2 + 2 = 12 :D

Ting Tings - We Walk
nk jalan jalan ngan derang :33

C.I.W.W.A.F - Practise makes perfect

The Maine - Girls do what they want
yeah that's right :3
I'm a girl & I do what I want.. x33

Pirates of the Caribbean MOVIE THEME

Bach - Concerto num 5
huuu~ :33... HANDS :D?

Dido - Take my hand

Juno - All I want is You
eeheheh >33>;

Bob Marley - I shot the sheriff
-dies- x-x;

Weird Al - Don't touch that
eeeeeeewww DOnT TOUCH THAT D:<

Beyonce - If I were a Boy
I think they're all MAN :D
we are all MAAAAAAAN

Gorillaz - Feel good inc
idk D: super trick Q

Soko - It's raining outside


Lights - Last thing on your mind
lagu ni lagu sedeh ;_;

Fatal Bazooka - Parle ma main

L'arc en Ciel - Dive to Blue
ooooh :33 ngan Hyde ah tuu x33

Breathe Carolina - Don't forget to lock the door

Toybox - Sailor song
I'M FUGLY ;___________;

Selena Gomez - Cruella De Vil

Boys >.>; yup definiately.. stinking snoiler snealer >.>;

The Cab - I'll Run

your judge :3

jawapan x betol ke.. ak yg x btoool..
sudah semesti nye la...
sian Regina.. she's my idol :3

regina Pictures, Images and Photos

a BITCH (LIKE JENNA!!!) Pictures, Images and Photos

Monday, April 6, 2009

ENVY ENVY!!! uuuuhhh >33<;

Posted by TAE★MIN at 11:28 PM 1 comments


rupenye ku masih kecil lagi ;___________;
ak masih igt lg waktu ak first main game ff8.... waktu tu kecil lagi x mengenal erti suka dan sukasuka <33

skrg bile ku lihat video di bawah ini.. terasa luka di hatiku ;__________;
rasa mahu ku gigit perempuan yg menari dgnnya

damn game producer D:<
why do they have such handsome/cute/pretty boys for some cool game hero D<

It's a video of the something something dance from ff8..
dammit squall's too heart and that chick made him dance passionly
-envy envy!-

aaah I was trying to play this awesome song from the video on piano.. waltz of the moon.. so i look for their sample and stuffs......... and I FOUND THIS DX<
apakah perempuan itu?!?!?
nak dibanding dgn ak ak jauh lagi lawa >;33


Saturday, April 4, 2009


Posted by TAE★MIN at 10:03 PM 1 comments
sit starting from the one with no hat : Yuina, Mitsu, Masa
Standing starting with brunette : Hashi, Tsuguki.


Dolly's new pv : TOKI NO RESHA

I have the song and working on downloading the pv..
man they're pretty x333
and the song's lovely.. if I had the translation with me I'd post it here

Dolly is one of my fav jrock pv...
my favorite member is Hachi. He's damn gorgeous.. homgeee look at his eyes!
&& mitsu's my second fav :3 his voice is so angelic..
no offence but, poeple can differentiate his voice from other jrock vocalist. He's like, Yomi, Ruki, Shou, Miku those type that people can differentiate their voice anyway..

here's the other lovely dolly members

yuina : guitar
masa : guitar
tsuguki : drums

they're lovely!

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